The above is competency framework for Governance and can be used for Corporate Training of Leaders and middle management.  It was produced by the British Government.

The framework is made up of 16 competencies underpinned by a foundation of important
principles and personal attributes. The competencies are grouped under the headings of
the six features of effective governance which are:

strategic leadership;

Some of the ways in which Leadership may want to use the framework include:

• informing how they carry out a skills audit
• in individual performance review discussions, identifying training needs and/or
developing a training and development programme
• putting together a role specification and determining interview questions for
recruiting to the board and/or in selecting or recruiting a chair
• planning induction for people new to the board
• supporting a review of the board’s effectiveness and identifying strengths and
areas for development
• demonstrating the key characteristics and expectations of their role to others
• ensuring the expected behaviours are included in the board’s code of conduct.